ESG Legal Services

What is their Marketing Soul? 

Work-life balance for solicitors, meaning better legal care for all.

How did we use their Marketing Soul to get results:

The Founder of Everything Services is back! Having come from a legal background, ESG Legal is the partner company of Everything Services, designed specifically to help legal practices.

The marketing goal here was lead generation and brand awareness. Now Everything Services is continuing to hit its marketing goals, the same needed to happen for ESG Legal.

We started with internal marketing, contacting legal firms ESG Legal had previously completed stand alone projects for. We made them aware of the other services ESG Legal provided with our retargeting campaign and BOOM, existing clients on new monthly retainers.

We used this work as a portfolio for a brand awareness campaign and shifted our marketing focus to lead generation. ESG Legal now has new clients and a team of 4.

Check them out

Here’s their LinkedIn


Outwood Social


The Malt Shovel